Match Score Archive
(prior to 2020)
Dec 15, 2019
TMS Monthly Shoot
It was a cold one but the hardy folks who showed up had a great time. There was quite a bit of debate as to whether or not this match should have been considered a practice match. Not my call. Opinions might differ between the winner and the non-winners.
Congratulations to Mesa Belle and Gateway Kid for shooting clean.
May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and Happy New Year!
Dec 14, 2019
TMS Annual Toy Shoot
The Toy Shoot was a great success with many toys and cash being generated for the kids at the Salt Lake City Shriner's Hospital for Children. Thank you to all who came out to support this very worthy cause!
Some might say that it was the weather that shortened the match. In reality, it was the wafting odor of chili that overwhelmed the cowfolk. The cold and wind did not stop six shooters from going clean. They were Cimarron Sonia, Double Bit, Ruby Doe, Fandango Dave, Klondike Ike and Mesa Belle!
Nov 17, 2019
TMS Monthly Shoot
It was yet another beautiful day at TMS. Thanks again to Doc Wiskey and Mesa Belle for a very fun match design.
We had an awesome number of clean shooters, including Mesa Belle, Cimarron Sonia, Ridgway Plinker, Rex M Rugers, Double Bit, Ruby Doe, Colorado Black Jack and Lilly Long.
Nov 16, 2019
TMS Monthly Shoot
Thanks to all who came out to enjoy a beautiful day at Thunder Mountain Shootists. Thanks also to Mesa Belle and Doc Wiskey for writing six fun stages.
Congratulations to our seven clean shooters: Cimarron Sonia, Columbine, Gateway Kid, J. Whittler, Lefty Jo, Lilly Long and Rex M. Rugers!
Oct 19, 2019
TMS Monthly Shoot
Thank you to all who came out to enjoy a glorious Colorado Fall day and to participate in the sport that we love! We had 20 awesome shooters, five of whom shot clean matches. Congratulations to Cimarron Sonya, Mesa Belle, Slo Smoke, Tommyknocker Six Gun and Union Jack for achieving perfection! Also, congratulations to Mountain Maddie for competing in her first match.
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